Lisbeth (Liz) Wilks works as Administration Officer at the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, La Trobe University. Before coming to the OTARC Liz worked and volunteered for many years in the disability community. Liz has an adult son with autism, an adult son with Down syndrome and an adult daughter who has grown up surrounded by the issues of disability. Liz has worked as an illustrator and graphic designer since 1969. In 2000 she wrote her first novel (Junior Fiction) exploring the challenges of being a sibling of a brother and a sister with disabilities. She has also authored, edited or illustrated a number of books for young readers (8-12 years).
Author: Liz Wilks
Publisher: Hachette Children’s Books
RRP: $14.95
ISBN: 0 7344 0940 0
“Whoever said that names can never hurt you wasn’t on the receiving end of Bronte’s tongue! It’s bad enough when they pick on me, but when they include Max and Dee ... that’s not fair.”
Sara’s family is unusual to say the least - they’re also confusing and really embarrassing.
Sara’s story is inspiring and seriously funny.
Using humour to tell a sister’s story
There are a number of children’s picture books that explain disability to young children and there are plenty of books covering parents’ experiences, but there is very little from a teenage sibling’s point of view, looking at life with intellectual disability in the family.
Sara Webb: Disaster Area uses a fictional family in a variety of humourous situations to help siblings know that they share these crazy experiences and inform other teens of what could be going on in the home lives of their classmates and friends.
The story is fast-paced and entertaining while the message is powerful, the facts are accurate and the situations are believable.
Sara is a gutsy young heroine who faces her problems and comes to an acceptance that her siblings are loved and valued members of her family.
The themes of the novel are disability, sibling issues, friendship, bullying, sexuality, relationships, self-esteem and sport.
This book is aimed at the late-primary/early-secondary age groups.
Borrow a copy from your library or order your own copy.
Books are only available through the author at or phone 0425 862 821.
Other children’s books that Liz Wilks has authored and/or illustrated
The Brave Kids Series
Books for children 8 - 12 years
Easy-to-read inspirational books about ordinary children who displayed extraordinary bravery to save someone else’s life. Based on citations from the Royal Humane Society of Australasia awards.
Faction: The best of both reading worlds ... A gripping story PLUS heaps of fascinating facts set out to attract young readers.
Crocodile Attack: Peta saves her friend from the jaws of a large crocodile.
ISBN 0-957842-24-4
Rogue Animals: Alfie fights off a wild boar that is savaging his dad.
ISBN 09578422-7-9
Surf Rescue: Melissa helps rescue three friends on a raft at sea.
ISBN 09578422-5-2
Shark Alert: John rescues a friend from a shark attack.
ISBN 0-9578422-8-7
Fire! Fire!: Michael saves Kit from a house fire.
ISBN 0-957842-29-5
Bushland Blazing: Clinton helps fight a bushfire that threatens his family’s house and farm. (SOLD OUT)
ISBN 978-0-9757350-3-9
A truly remarkable story unfolds in Sri Lanka when Bibile is lost from his herd. His sad story takes him to a loving new home, on to adventure and honour, and to extraordinary friendship.
You will also read the stories of other rescued baby elephants and the life they now lead.
ISBN 0-9578422-8-7
A pocket sized book of chicken jokes, cartoons and funny stories. Cackle your way through this EGG-citing collection.
ISBN 0-9578422-8-7
As a special offer Liz can supply these books at reduced prices if you send your order to her mentioning “BLOG SPECIAL OFFER”.
This offer is only available to orders directly through Liz Wilks.
This offer is NOT available in bookstores.
Sara Webb: Disaster Area - $14.95 RRP - $10.00 BLOG SPECIAL
Brave Kids Series - $12.95 each RRP - $7.00 each BLOG SPECIAL
Brave Kids Full Series (excluding Bushland Blazing) - $25.00 BLOG SPECIAL
Bibile: The True Story of a Baby Orphan Elephant - $12.95 RRP - $7.00 BLOG SPECIAL
If ordering within Australia: Please include $2 per item (Maximum $6 for multiple books) for Postage and Handling. For international orders please contact Liz first to arrange payment and P&H charges.
30% of all sales in this offer will be donated to the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre.
Contact Liz in the comments below to order your selection.
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Don’t forget to mention “BLOG special offer”.